Luka Benedičič

Photo: Matej Pušnik

Luka Benedičič (1998) holds an undergraduate degree in the sociology of culture and a master’s degree in social anthropology. He is currently studying at the University of Heidelberg, while in his spare time he is a poet, literary critic, and editor of the online poetry hub He regularly publishes literary criticism and poetry in local literary magazines as well as online. As part of the Pranger festival, he participated in the finals of the Young Critics competition (Mlada kritika, 2018). He was also a member of the poetry committee at the literary competition Red Thread (Rdeča nit, 2020) and worked as editor-in-chief of the e-collection European Poetry on the Brink (Evropska poezija na prepihu, Beletrina, 2021). He was also featured, twice, as a literary critic in the Young Pen, a literary column issued by the publishing house Delo (Mlado pero, Delo, 2020, 2023).